How to Lose Sleep (7 Things I am Passionate About)

The best way to lose sleep

The best way to lose sleep, so far I’ve learned to day is to not finish a creative process. This new journey has begun of blogging and YouTubing etc… Building on historical experience seems to be where it is at.

Lose sleep like this

1. Start to become passionate about something

If you are passionate about something you just may be on your way to losing sleep.

2. Leave your creativity unresolved

Once you are passionate AND unresolved, you are guaranteed not to sleep.

Lose sleep by not resolving

It seems that people like when you share things you are actually passionate about. There are several things I am passionate about. And if they are unresolved, I lose sleep.

1. The Catholic Religion

To me, this is the source and summit. I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. And I believe in not letting the sun go down on your anger. Therefore one way to lose sleep is not to forgive others. For some highly engaging content, check out YouTube discussions and talks about this topic. You will never regret it.

Catholics and Protestants get along now!

2. My Family

My family is absolutely the most important thing walking planet earth right now. And I make it a priority to provide for them. If I don’t make the coffee for my wife before going to bed, or properly resolve all conflict in the house, I will DEFINITELY lose sleep.

3. Work

Yes believe it or not, I actually care about the things I do at work. Sometimes I’ll stay up at night pondering the things I have yet to do in the office (or lately online – remote) to finish whatever task I am working on. Yada yada yada. Work is essential because without it, we will not eat bread, and drink water.


4, 5, 6. Fishing, Writing music, and Consuming music

I suppose 4,5,6 fall in the category of “Hobbies”. Yes these things are my hobbies, however, I find my self extremely passionate about, particularly, the music aspect of this part. Therefore, I am on this site, and YouTubing on my channel, and posting to my Facebook Page, etc.

2019 Christmas EP
Fishing is a hobby of mine
My son and I happily caught a catfish

I have yet to create a website or channel dedicated to fishing but the thought has crossed my mind more than once. All I need now is a Go Pro…. and a little luck.

7. The Auratone 5C Super Sound Cube

To wrap things up, I’d just like to say thanks for listening to these thoughts on sleep and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Oh and one more thing I love, the Auratone 5C Super Sound Cube. Its because of these that there is another reason for me to love mixing songs. They are highly truthful and give amazing results when I mix on these. For an interesting talk about the quality of these near field monitors, check out this video review.

Auratone 5C Super Sound Cube
My favorite speaker(s)

Concluding lost sleep

Thanks for listening to this 3 a.m. rant of mine, and I hope you can get some rest. If you want a break, wrap things up, whatever it takes to come to a conclusion.

Till next time.

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